Program Highlights

Network Mentoring in P-CART

P-CART Fellow bubble chart at the center of career coach, secondary mentor, resource node, mentor node (GW-PA), mentor node (K-SIG), Resource Node (Scientific), and primary mentor

Trainees have a primary (same field) and secondary (different field) mentor, and career coach (Sonia Crandall, PhD) who also supports the mentor-mentee relationship.

Mentor nodes (e.g., K-SIG peer mentors, GW-PA social/professional network) and resource nodes support fellow’s scientific (e.g., research skill development mentors, study design mentors, community engagement mentors), career (e.g., career advancement mentors, leadership mentors, teaching mentors), and personal (e.g., personal/psychosocial support mentors) needs.

View SMHS Faculty Profiles 

P-CART Tools and Resources

The Virtual Organizer connects fellows, mentors, and community partners with training tools, resources, and navigator support to advance primary care research and trainees’ career development goals. This digital organizer will help P-CART trainees navigate processes and access tools across the research lifecycle.

The P-CART Libguide contains tools and resources that help trainees achieve program competencies and milestones.

GW LibGuides assist early career researchers with research and publication related questions. It provides an overview of tools and resources for individuals who are just getting started in their research career.