The GW program conforms to NRSA levels for stipends, tuition support and trainee expenses as defined by NIH: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Stipends, Tuition/Fees and Other Budgetary Levels Effective for Fiscal Year 2023( Funding for this project is made by the US Health Resources & Services Administration (Award Number is 1 T32HP42014‐01‐00).
Trainee Payback Obligation
NRSA recipients incur a service payback obligation. Each individual who is supported through the NRSA program shall engage in research training, research, or teaching that is health-related (or any combination thereof) for 12 months or for one month for each month of training, whichever is less. For individuals who are supported through NRSA for more than 12 months, the 13th month and each subsequent month of performing activities under the Award shall be considered to be activities engaged in the satisfaction of this requirement, subject to any period of deferral. In other words, your second year of the program fulfills the payback obligation.
Service payback obligations can also be paid back after termination of NRSA support by conducting primary care health related research or teaching on average more than 20 hours per week of a full work year. A NRSA recipient must begin to undertake the service on a continuous basis within two years after the expiration or termination for his or her Award.